Monday, December 12, 2016

El Fin Se Acerca

¡Hola Familia y Amigos!

So there's a song in the Spanish hymn book called "el fin se acerca"... when I look at today's date it starts running through my head. I can't believe we're already almost half-way through December!

This last Tuesday we had a great multi-Zone Conference for Christmas. We learned a lot, ate a yummy lunch and made blankets for newborn babies as a service project. Hermana Santos and I also got to do one of the musical numbers and it turned out well. Music is one of my favorite ways of sharing my testimony. (DyC 25:12)

It was a rainy week and we had a hard time finding new investigators - however throughout the week we were able to find and help our current and old investigators progress. We are working with various people and it's becoming easier to tell who are those who are progressing with "real intent" and who are those who aren't ready to make changes in their lives. When we have real intent, we believe with our whole heart that we are going to change based on the truths we learn and the revelation we receive - our investigators with real intent are super cool and easy to teach.

We've been following the "Light the World" calendar and it's been fun to see how every day we keep finding ways to apply it in our work. Yesterday, for example, was about how "Jesus Ministered to Children and So Can You". We had lunch with an Hermana that is pregnant and due the 22nd/23rd of December. During lunch her 3-year old son was bringing us his toys one by one until he decided to dump out ALL of his toys onto the floor and use the containers to make a building. After lunch we played Mom's favorite game - who can put the toys in the boxes the fastest! and for the first time in a year and a half I cleaned up after a kid to help out his mom. It's really just the little things we do every day that make the world a little brighter.

Estoy aquí por que amo él Señor y amo a la gente de Paraguay.

With love sent from Paraguay,

Hermana Carr