Monday, October 31, 2016


¡Hola Familia y Amigos!

It's official: we wear pants.

Last Monday the dress pants came in and ever since receiving them Tuesday we've been walking in pants in the streets. It's been weird for everyone- only our plaques have been identifying us as Hermana Misioneras. However, I have not had a new mosquito bite on my legs since! They've just started attacking the tops of my feet and arms instead.

At the beginning of the week it was raining gatos y perros, but now we've just got clear skies and great sun-burns. Wearing pants has proven very practical hopping over puddles, getting on and off collectivos and just everyday tasks, no matter the weather. Everyone comments and says they're glad we wear pants, even though it's strange to see.

This week has been a slower one, but full of great moments: Last Monday we went to the dentist to see about some tooth pains Hermana Douglas was having. We did a follow up today and they just replaced a filling she'd lost- these have been the first and last experiences I hope to have at the dentist here in Paraguay. Thankfully I wasn't the one in the chair.

Tuesday, due to the rain, our street turned into a river. While walking on our way to lunch we saw a fist-sized fish on the side of the road so my companion just tossed it back into the rolling road waters- we did some good in the world that day. On Wednesday, we had a conference with President and Hermana Evans and Elder and Hermana Braggs in preparation for when Elder Rasband will come next month. It was enlightening, I learned a lot and overall I just felt the importance of the work we do when we work for the Lord.

Thursday night we enjoyed eating deliciously prepared liver with Jorgelina and got to play with their new-born baby cats.

By Friday it was getting hot again and we decided to invest 3 mil guarani's in ice cream cones on our way home. The ice-cream vendor didn't have change and, after seeing us struggling to dig change out of back-packs for a good five minutes, ended up just giving us the ice-cream for free. After walking a block a lady approached us, asking us for 3 mil for her bus fare, telling us a sad story and saying she and her little son had not eaten all day. We gave her our ice-creams and then, 30 seconds later, a man came up and picked them up on moto. We're pretty sure she just swindled us out of our ice-cream- but, it was all good, cuz it was given to us for free. Sometimes we get things, sometimes things are taken away, but in the end just the important things stay. (Alma 41:14).

Saturday we helped out with the Primary Presentation practice and on Sunday we had a great turn out and even one of our investigators got to participate! -the hymns are great, but it was a fun change to play the Primary songs.

After the dentist follow up today we went to Bellavista so Hermana Douglas could say goodbye to some of her friends there. Later, we called in our "connection" (Hermano Villasboa from our ward) and got to walk through the Beehive factory here in Luque and then went to La Casa de Azucar to celebrate the birthday of Hermana Sanchez.

With love sent from Paraguay,

Hermana Carr